We are a small team working for car lovers and mechanics and who are searching daily for lots of manuals, guides, or a catalog and a simple guide to solve a simple issue through to their journey and where they stack we start from there.
ManualsExpert.com is a website developed and run by automotive enthusiasts all around the world who have been overwhelmed by the uncertainty, difficulties, and stress of locating manuals for cars that we spend a lot of money to purchase and maintain and this is the main and only purpose of this application from the journey we started.
We collect manuals through the website from our users around the world online and arrange them renaming and storing perfectly to website users as well. So some misinformation may contain in the file that may be unnecessary for you though.
Your assistance to accomplish this! We’ve made a decent start from the beginning, amassing over 75,000+ guides in our catalog so far, but there are so many more that our small team can’t keep up. If you come across a manual that you’d like to post, upload it to a shared drive (such as Google drive) and email it to us using the form to the right. We’ll integrate it as soon as possible.
Copyright infringement: Manufacturer’s permission to feature their content on our site is aggressively sought. Many of the documents that we display are not even available on the manufacturers’ official websites and on their agency’s site as well, so we hope that we are doing them a favor by providing them their customers a small part of services.
We have to say that we do not wish to host content for which we do not have permission yet. If you see a manual on the web that you believe should not be there, please click here and fill out the DMCA feedback form, and we will look into it as soon as we can through our law agencies. Check out our FAQs for some more info-related manuals.